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since 1950


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Here is a page to describe the history of oncom raos. bare with me....

  • What is Oncom Raos?
    Oncom Raos is the most authentic and comprehensive food store in Bandung, it specialized itself on traditional snack and it is a family business from time to time.

  • When the business started?
    The Business started in 1950, when my great great grandmother (Mrs. Gouw) found a special recipe for oncom and tempe (an Indonesian traditional food from peanut) and started selling them in the family house

  • What is famous here?
    Whenever you reach Bandung, don't forget to visit Oncom raos for it's most famous oncom goreng, tempe goreng, kripik kentang, dodol sirsak, wajit, pisang sale, kripik singkong, kripik pisang, getas, and much more. Those were just some of our trademark.

  • Are all of the items listed above home-made?
    Yes, they are, in fact, those snacks are cooked and made each and everyday, still in traditional strickness and modern technology, which makes the snacks healthy, tastes good, and have high standard quality.

  • Do you only sell Oncom Raos brand snacks?
    Well, we don't sell snacks that entirely made in Oncom Raos, we also sell modern snacks and snacks that is made by another snack house in Bandung, and even Indonesia, that's what makes Oncom Raos a comprehensive snack store

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